
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest

Japanese Knotweed is a menace

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Japanese Knotweed is a menace


John Pitarresi in a "Special to the Observer-Dispatch" declared that "Japanese knotweed is a menace.Even more than we knew. Knotweed is that tall, big-leafed plant that grows most commonly along creeks and rivers in dense stands that can be almost impossible to walk through. Some call it bamboo, which it superficially resembles. It makes recreation in some areas very difficult, and it displaces native plants in a big way. And more than that.

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Threat from a superwasp

Posted by John Marshall on

Threat from a superwasp


A superwasp able to produce 1,000 offspring is threatening vast forests in North America, a new study has revealed.

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Beware of Cogon Grass

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Beware of Cogon Grass


Photo by Karan Rawlins; University of Georgia

If there's not enough for you to fear, we're being warned about Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica). It's native to Southeast Asia and possibly to East Africa. It was introduced to the U.S. by accident, then intentionally. It's a beast.

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Landscape diversity is a good thing

Posted by John Marshall on

Landscape diversity is a good thing

This article by the Associated Press makes some great points about landscape diversity. We think it's cool!

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A Useful Website

Posted by John Marshall on

A Useful Website

Here's a useful website that was passed on to me by a reader.

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