
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — scams

Trust the Science? Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Trust the Science? Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common


According to an article posted by Science.org, "Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common.

“'It is just too hard to believe' at first, says Sabel of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and editor-in-chief of Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. It’s as if 'somebody tells you 30% of what you eat is toxic.'”

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Beware of pine straw scammers

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Beware of pine straw scammers


Homeowners in the metro Atlanta area are reporting pine straw scammers. Here's what happens. A scammer offers to spread pine straw mulch, then presents the resident with an outrageous bill.

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