
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — vegetables

The organic food scam? Fruit and veg that is grown without the use of pesticides is NOT healthier for you?

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

The organic food scam? Fruit and veg that is grown without the use of pesticides is NOT healthier for you?


Can you believe this, or is it just old news?

Genetic Literacy Project reported, "The claims that organic food is safer, healthier, and better for the environment are simply false."

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Arthritis: Should You Avoid Nightshade Vegetables?

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Arthritis: Should You Avoid Nightshade Vegetables?


Cleveland Clinic says, "Many swear that eating nightshade vegetables elevates arthritis pain, with just a few nibbles of these garden goodies taking joint swelling and stiffness to another level."

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