
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — medical

Cassandra Quave.The Plant Hunter.

Posted by John Marshall on

Cassandra Quave.The Plant Hunter.


Cassandra Quave teaches, "The answer to some of the world’s most pressing problems could be held within our oldest remedies." She is is a leading medical ethnobotanist on a "quest to develop new ways to fight illness and disease through the healing powers of plants."

You should read more about her, and take advantage of any opportunity to hear her speak.

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Switching off inflammatory protein leads to longer, healthier lifespans in mice

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Switching off inflammatory protein leads to longer, healthier lifespans in mice


Science Daily reported, "Scientists at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Science and Imperial College London have discovered that 'switching off' a protein called IL-11 can significantly increase the healthy lifespan of mice by almost 25%."

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ICYMI: Researchers found new molecule found in chestnut leaves disarms dangerous staph bacteria.

Posted by John Marshall on

ICYMI: Researchers found new molecule found in chestnut leaves disarms dangerous staph bacteria.


Science Daily reported, "Scientists isolated a molecule, extracted from the leaves of the European chestnut tree, with the power to neutralize dangerous, drug-resistant staph bacteria. Frontiers in Pharmacology published the finding, led by scientists at Emory University.

"The researchers dubbed the molecule Castaneroxy A, after the genus of the European chestnut, Castanea. The use of chestnut leaves in traditional folk remedies in rural Italy inspired the research."

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Deadly new tick

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Deadly new tick


"A potentially deadly new virus is circulating among ticks in Georgia, according to scientists at Emory University", and not just in Georgia.

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Horticultural Therapy

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Horticultural Therapy
The New York Times published an article a few days ago about Horticultural Therapy. Briefly stated, "Horticultural therapy embraces the basics, using nature and gardening-like activities, facilitated by a trained therapist, to help patients feel better.

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