GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — lawns
The Annoying Weed That Makes For The Perfect Fertilizer For Your Garden
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

House Digest recently reported on this notorious weed.
"Rather than curse their very existence or dump their hacked remains onto your compost pile, where they're liable to spread, why not turn them into a healthy beverage for your plants?"
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- Tags: flower gardening, gardening, landscape maintenance, lawn, lawns, organic, sustainability, vegetable gardening
Did you know that green spaces are good for you?
Posted by John Marshall on

You coulda knocked me over with a feather!
Science Direct published, The relation between proximity to and characteristics of green spaces to physical activity and health: A multi-dimensional sensitivity analysis in four European cities.
In brief, "Green spaces are associated with increased physical activity of nearby residents."
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- Tags: health, lawns, research, urban landscape
What not mowing in May could mean for your lawn
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

The University of Minnesota Extension reports, "No Mow May has captured the public’s attention in the last few years.
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- Tags: landscape maintenance, lawn, lawns
Are Americans Obsessed With Their Lawns?
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

An article by Krystal D'Costa proposes that Americans are obsessed with their lawns. "Lawns are the most grown crop in the U.S.—and they're not one that anyone can eat; their primary purpose is to make us look and feel good about ourselves."
What do you think?
Las Vegas pushes to become first to ban ornamental grass
Posted by John Marshall on

This just in from the Associated Press. Las Vegas pushes to become first municipality to ban ornamental grass.
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- Tags: lawns, sustainability