GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — store news
Posted by John Marshall on

Prices don't always go up! We're enjoying some cost savings, so lowered many prices to save you money and give you some relief from inflation. You'll find a lot of your favorite plants now offered at better prices. Only on this website. Check 'em out.
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- Tags: store news
Latest changes in minimum quantities and pricing
Posted by John Marshall on

We've adjusted our program to allow you to purchase any number of plants above the minimum quantity allowed.
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- Tags: store news
Changes in minimum quantities and pricing.
Posted by John Marshall on

As of February 1, 2021, we will no longer offer plants in small numbers. The minimum purchase for plants in 3-1/2 inch pots will be no fewer than 25 per species. Plants in 2-1/2 inch pots will be sold in minimums of 54. Most bare root plants will be sold in bundles of 50. However, Astilbe, Campsis, Convallaria, bare root ferns, Hemerocallis (daylilies) and Iris will be sold in bundles of 25.
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- Tags: store news
Gift Cards Now Available
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a GoGardenNow gift card. Purchase amounts from $10 to $100.
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- Tags: store news