GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — perennials
This new gardening trend is saving homeowners both cash and time.
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

According to Yahoo News, "A growing number of gardeners are planting “green mulches” instead of hauling mulch into their yards, which has numerous benefits for gardeners and the environment."
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- Tags: gardening, landscape maintenance, perennials, sustainability, vegetable gardening, xeriscaping
Attract These Birds With Echinacea
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Birds have their favorite foods, just like you and me. Finches, cardinals and jays, for example, love seeds. Coneflower - Echinacea purpurea - is one of their favorites. So be sure to include some in your perennial garden!
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- Tags: birding, perennials