GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — tropical plants
Cassandra Quave.The Plant Hunter.
Posted by John Marshall on

Cassandra Quave teaches, "The answer to some of the world’s most pressing problems could be held within our oldest remedies." She is is a leading medical ethnobotanist on a "quest to develop new ways to fight illness and disease through the healing powers of plants."
You should read more about her, and take advantage of any opportunity to hear her speak.
Research investigates potential of neem seed oil as a sustainable alternative to petroleum-derived oils
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Research in the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering has investigated the potential of neem seed oil as a sustainable bio-lubricant to replace conventional petroleum-derived oils.
The kind of tree with fallen leaves that no one picks up is a specialty only in the West, priced at 4 $/kg
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

An article recently published in Vinlove, a Vietnam Tourism site, was promoting the virtues of the weevil tree (Cynometra ramiflora). While the common name doesn't sound so appealing, its uses are intriguing. According to the article, "In the provinces of the Mekong Delta, there is a tree that people often plant in their gardens for shade. Moreover, people often pick the leaves of this plant to use as raw vegetables, served with some dishes."
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- Tags: honeybees, trees, tropical plants