GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — trees
Controlling buckthorn.
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University of Minnesota Extension has published an article on eradicating buckthorn from your landscape. Those of you who have this problem should read this article.
Thinking about planting a maple tree in your yard? Well, hold on just a minute!
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Em Casalena published an article in AZ Animals laying out 8 reasons you should think twice before planting maple trees.
"While maples may seem like a popular choice for many homeowners, there are some compelling reasons why you might want to think twice before digging that hole and planting those seeds or saplings.
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- Tags: landscape maintenance, trees
The kind of tree with fallen leaves that no one picks up is a specialty only in the West, priced at 4 $/kg
Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

An article recently published in Vinlove, a Vietnam Tourism site, was promoting the virtues of the weevil tree (Cynometra ramiflora). While the common name doesn't sound so appealing, its uses are intriguing. According to the article, "In the provinces of the Mekong Delta, there is a tree that people often plant in their gardens for shade. Moreover, people often pick the leaves of this plant to use as raw vegetables, served with some dishes."
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- Tags: honeybees, trees, tropical plants
‘Greenwashing’: Tree-Planting Schemes Are Just Creating Tree Cemeteries
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This article in VICE is notable. The author - Sophia Smith Galer - says "Environmentalists claim councils are wasting public money with failed tree-planting initiatives so they can be 'seen to be doing something' about the climate crisis. I think it's a valid argument.
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- Tags: climate change, trees
Researchers complete first comprehensive threat assessment of all US trees
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Officials of the Morton Arboretum report, "For the first time, researchers have completed threat assessments for all 881 native tree species in the contiguous United States, resulting in a comprehensive checklist and synthesis that will serve as a critical baseline to guide future tree conservation efforts."
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- Tags: endangered species, trees