
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — gardening

Groundcherry gets genetic upgrades: Turning a garden curiosity into an agricultural powerhouse

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Groundcherry gets genetic upgrades: Turning a garden curiosity into an agricultural powerhouse


Science Daily reported, "Imagine a small fruit that tastes like a cross between a tomato and a pineapple, wrapped in its own natural paper lantern. That's the groundcherry (Physalis grisea) -- a little-known relative of tomatoes that's been quietly growing in gardens and small farms across North America for centuries. Now, this humble fruit is getting a 21st-century upgrade thanks to some cutting-edge genetic research."

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How To Use Ecological Gardening To Protect Your Plantings & The Planet

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How To Use Ecological Gardening To Protect Your Plantings & The Planet


Sustainable Jungle published this informative article last year written by Amber McDaniel on the subject of "ecological gardening."

She wrote, "Instead of soiling our gardens and planet with chemicals and GMO plant varieties, we should be using our own backyards to return to our natural, holistic roots, in every sense."

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Grow Parthenocarpic Cucumbers for a Disease-Free Harvest

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Grow Parthenocarpic Cucumbers for a Disease-Free Harvest


National Gardening Association published "good news for home gardeners struggling with cucumber blights and diseases, most of which are spread by insects!"

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Get the USDA Forest Service Invasive Plants Reference and Field Guide

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Get the USDA Forest Service Invasive Plants Reference and Field Guide


The USDA Forest Service Invasive Plants Reference and Field Guide is a "must-have" addition to your horticultural library.

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The Annoying Weed That Makes For The Perfect Fertilizer For Your Garden

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The Annoying Weed That Makes For The Perfect Fertilizer For Your Garden


House Digest recently reported on this notorious weed. 

"Rather than curse their very existence or dump their hacked remains onto your compost pile, where they're liable to spread, why not turn them into a healthy beverage for your plants?"

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