
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest

Michigan Governor Bans Sale of Plants and Seeds?

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Michigan Governor Bans Sale of Plants and Seeds?


Michigan Radio - a National Public Radio affiliate - reports that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ordered that garden centers at large stores must close during the Covid-19 pandemic, declaring that the products for sale in those departments are "non-essential."

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Gift Cards Now Available

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Gift Cards Now Available


Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a GoGardenNow gift card. Purchase amounts from $10 to $100.

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Gardeners in 2020 will want unconventional varieties and eco-conscious surroundings

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Gardeners in 2020 will want unconventional varieties and eco-conscious surroundings
According to the AP, "gardeners in 2020 will veer from the beaten path, opting for unconventional varieties and eco-conscious surroundings, according to a plant trends study by horticulturalists with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)."

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National Garden Bureau announces 2020 is Year of the Lantana

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National Garden Bureau announces 2020 is Year of the Lantana


This year the National Garden Bureau is giving lantana its due, announcing that 2020 is Year of the Lantana.

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?
There was a time when wolves were generally feared. They roamed wild across continents. Travelers feared for their own safety. Herders feared for their flocks. As marauders, wolves were ensconced in history, legend, and popular stories.

They were hunted relentlessly. Now these shy and reclusive creatures are seldom encountered, except in remote wilderness areas.

Not so with their relative - the coyote. While shy, coyotes are not so withdrawn, more comfortable with life at the edge of human civilization, or closer.

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