
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — wildlife

After The Storm - Birding Opportunities You Won't Believe

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

After The Storm - Birding Opportunities You Won't Believe


As much as we hate them, hurricanes can make a bird-watcher’s dream come true. Powerful winds send birds from distant locations far north along coastlines, or even inland. You might even find some rare species from Africa or the Caribbean in your own backyard. So, get outdoors and scout for birds before the wind dies down!

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Watch For The Argentine Tegu!

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Watch For The Argentine Tegu!

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources wants us to look out for the Argentine Black and White Tegu. I received the following notice today by email.

"Argentine black and white tegus are big South American lizards that are popular in the pet trade but trouble when released in the wild. Tegus have been causing problems in Florida for years."

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