
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — vegetable gardening

Food from urban agriculture has carbon footprint 6 times larger than conventional produce...

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Food from urban agriculture has carbon footprint 6 times larger than conventional produce...


Science Daily reports, "A new University of Michigan-led international study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce."

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Texas Homeowners Perplexed As To Whether New Law Applies To Their HOAs

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Texas Homeowners Perplexed As To Whether New Law Applies To Their HOAs


The Cool Down reports, "In the wake of new legislation in Texas, some homeowners have been left unsure whether protections apply to them — or whether their HOAs take precedence.

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How Long Will Pumpkins Last After You Harvest Them From The Garden?

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How Long Will Pumpkins Last After You Harvest Them From The Garden?


House Digest answers the question. "Carving an epic Halloween pumpkin design with a drill is a fun yearly project. But pumpkins have more to offer than a few days of terrifying scowls.

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Gardener shares common misconception about many of the edible plants in your garden.

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Gardener shares common misconception about many of the edible plants in your garden.


Yahoo News published this: "Gardener shares common misconception about many of the edible plants in your garden: ‘Thank you for the knowledge.’

"While most average fruit and veggie lovers tend to aim for a specific end product when growing food, many plants offer more than what meets the eye."

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This new gardening trend is saving homeowners both cash and time.

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This new gardening trend is saving homeowners both cash and time.


According to Yahoo News, "A growing number of gardeners are planting “green mulches” instead of hauling mulch into their yards, which has numerous benefits for gardeners and the environment."

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