
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — pest management

Nootkatone Is Now Registered By The EPA

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Nootkatone Is Now Registered By The EPA


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces, "A new active ingredient, discovered and developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in insecticides and insect repellents."

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Asian Longhorned Ticks Coming Your Way?

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Asian Longhorned Ticks Coming Your Way?

(Photo credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Since first being reported in the United States, Asian Longhorned Ticks have been found in Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Here's what you need to know:

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?
There was a time when wolves were generally feared. They roamed wild across continents. Travelers feared for their own safety. Herders feared for their flocks. As marauders, wolves were ensconced in history, legend, and popular stories.

They were hunted relentlessly. Now these shy and reclusive creatures are seldom encountered, except in remote wilderness areas.

Not so with their relative - the coyote. While shy, coyotes are not so withdrawn, more comfortable with life at the edge of human civilization, or closer.

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If You Catch A Snakehead Fish, Kill It

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If You Catch A Snakehead Fish, Kill It


There's no gentle way to say this. If you catch a snakehead fish, kill it. That's the word put out on the street by the USDA and various state agencies.

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After The Storm - Insects In Your Garden

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After The Storm - Insects In Your Garden


When Hurricane Irma blew through the Southeast in 2017, the region’s agriculture was affected in various ways. Ayanava Majumdar, Extension entomologist for the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, pointed out that the storm could have unexpected consequences for farmers. It stands to reason that not only farmers would be affected, but gardeners, as well.

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