
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — natural resources

How 'modern-day slavery' in the Congo powers the rechargeable battery economy

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How 'modern-day slavery' in the Congo powers the rechargeable battery economy



A report through NPR, published last February, said, "'Smartphones, computers and electric vehicles may be emblems of the modern world, but, says Siddharth Kara, their rechargeable batteries are frequently powered by cobalt mined by workers laboring in slave-like conditions in the Democratic Republic of Congo.'"

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Billions have been raised to restore forests, with little success

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Billions have been raised to restore forests, with little success



Phys.org reports, "Billions have been raised to restore forests, with little success" and suggests the missing ingredient. 

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Research investigates potential of neem seed oil as a sustainable alternative to petroleum-derived oils

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Research investigates potential of neem seed oil as a sustainable alternative to petroleum-derived oils


Research in the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering has investigated the potential of neem seed oil as a sustainable bio-lubricant to replace conventional petroleum-derived oils.

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How Private Property Can Solve Ocean Pollution

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How Private Property Can Solve Ocean Pollution


Andrew den Boggende, an undergraduate student and researcher at Florida Southern College posits, "Property rights, or the exclusive ability of someone to own, use, exchange, and/or gift property, have become one of the fundamental legal pillars of the modern world, yet they are mysteriously absent from the realm of oceans. No one truly owns, or is even allowed to purchase, property in the ocean. As a result, nobody has any incentive to preserve or cultivate the waters themselves.

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US Supreme Court Decision: Sackett v. EPA

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US Supreme Court Decision: Sackett v. EPA


The U.S. Supreme Court in Sackett v. EPA finally settled the definition of WOTUS, i.e. Waters of the United States. Rather than repeat competing media spins on what this means for regulatory powers of the EPA in general and clean water in the U.S. in particular, we're posting a link to the actual SCOTUS decision. 

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