
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — invasive species

Residents Warned Not to Plant Unsolicited Foreign Seed Shipments

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Residents Warned Not to Plant Unsolicited Foreign Seed Shipments


Various news sources are warning residents not to plant any seed they receive unsolicited from unknown sources "because they could be a pathway for introduction of invasive species, insects and plant diseases."

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?

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Who's afraid of the big, bad coywolf?
There was a time when wolves were generally feared. They roamed wild across continents. Travelers feared for their own safety. Herders feared for their flocks. As marauders, wolves were ensconced in history, legend, and popular stories.

They were hunted relentlessly. Now these shy and reclusive creatures are seldom encountered, except in remote wilderness areas.

Not so with their relative - the coyote. While shy, coyotes are not so withdrawn, more comfortable with life at the edge of human civilization, or closer.

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If You Catch A Snakehead Fish, Kill It

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

If You Catch A Snakehead Fish, Kill It


There's no gentle way to say this. If you catch a snakehead fish, kill it. That's the word put out on the street by the USDA and various state agencies.

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