
GoGardenNews - Items of gardening and ecological interest — health

Light Pollution and Your Health

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Light Pollution and Your Health


Science Daily reports, "More exposure to artificial, bright, outdoor night-time light linked to higher stroke risk.

"People continuously exposed to bright, artificial light at night may be at increased risk of developing conditions that affect blood flow to the brain and having a stroke,"

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Did you know that green spaces are good for you?

Posted by John Marshall on

Did you know that green spaces are good for you?


You coulda knocked me over with a feather!

Science Direct published, The relation between proximity to and characteristics of green spaces to physical activity and health: A multi-dimensional sensitivity analysis in four European cities.

In brief, "Green spaces are associated with increased physical activity of nearby residents."

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There’s a Reason Why We’re so Obsessed with Peppermint

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

There’s a Reason Why We’re so Obsessed with Peppermint


OutsideOnline notes, "This herb’s relaxation properties may be the reason peppermint is in every product on the shelf. Could you benefit from a cup of tea, capsule or drop of oil?

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Arthritis: Should You Avoid Nightshade Vegetables?

Posted by Staff of goGardenNow on

Arthritis: Should You Avoid Nightshade Vegetables?


Cleveland Clinic says, "Many swear that eating nightshade vegetables elevates arthritis pain, with just a few nibbles of these garden goodies taking joint swelling and stiffness to another level."

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